All registered participants will receive a complimentary replay - in case you have to miss all or some of it

**Tue June 21st - from 6-7p - Live on Zoom**

Watch this video to see WHO should sign up and what you'll learn....

0r call 603-380-7902

Still not sure you should sign up?


Are you constantly rubbing at your neck - just counting the days until your next massage?

When you put a sweatshirt on or place groceries on the counter - do you cringe at the sharp pain you know you're going to feel in your shoulder?

Over 30% of people report having neck pain - and of those - 50% will continue to live without any real solution

At least 40% of extremity pain (including your shoulder) originates from the spine - even when you don't have any neck or back pain

Shoulder pain and rotator cuff tears are often mis-diagnosed - usually because of misleading MRI results - leading to unnecessary procedures and surgery.

In this free online class - Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and orthopedic pain specialist - will go over natural ways to prevent neck & shoulder pain - so that you don't have to rely on pills, injections, or procedures - and so that you can avoid unnecessary (and often expensive) diagnostic tests and surgery.

Even if you've had neck & shoulder pain for years and been told there isn't anything you can do...

It's STILL possible to get relief!

Sign up NOW for our next Neck & Shoulder Pain Masterclass and learn how!

Tue June 21st from 6-7p - Live via Zoom

If you can't make the class live - don't worry - all registered participants will receive a recording of the class!